Brilliant Effects.
Made in Germany.

Company presentation film 2018
Producer of Fischer JETplast® (Plastic Blast Media)
Type II, Type III and Type V with MIL-P-85891

Torbo-News 2014
The Spanish Air Force uses FISCHER JETplast® in conjunction with Torbo’s wet blasting system

MFN – Interview 2011
Interview with Andreas Fischer, Managing Director and QM of Fischer GmbH: Plastic blast media FISCHER JETplast® – A success story enters the 2nd generation

MFN – Interview 2010
Plastic Media Blasting Type V – interview with technical adviser Volker Ulrich and Export Manager Hans-Heiner Sochurek

MFN – Interview 2009
Plastic Media Blasting, a Tradition for 30 years / interview with Dipl.-Ing. Volker Fischer and Export Manager Hans-Heiner Sochurek

Mo – article 2008
Plastic Blast Media on the advance
Open PDF document

Plastic Blast Media from 1979 until today
Lecture by Mr. Hans-Heiner Sochurek at Frauenhofer Institut on 08./09. May 2008 in Berlin

Brandenburger Tor 2001
Cleaning and restoration of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin in the year 2001 with Fischer JETplast®.